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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 17 of 17
PreviewDate PublishedTitleAuthorsSpeciality/Subject
14-Aug-2024Nuclear Medicine: We have a range of potential projects available across multiple disciplinesAssociate Professor Elizabeth ClinganNuclear Medicine
23-Jul-2024Outcomes of intra- and post-partum maternal transfers of public and private model supported homebirthsAnanthram, HarshaObstetrics & Gynaecology; Surgery
23-Jul-2024Informed Refusals with post-term pregnancyAnanthram, HarshaObstetrics & Gynaecology; Surgery
20-May-2024Audit of variceal bleeding management at Wollongong HospitalDuong, Dr TuanMedicine; Gastroenterology
20-Mar-2024Orsiro DES - real-life comparison to 5 year trial dataTierney, MichaelMedicine; Cardiology
13-Mar-2024Parkinson's diseaseChan, DanielMedicine; Emergency
11-Mar-2024Pathology - reducing low value testsBrouillard, Dr DanielCritical Care; Emergency
11-Mar-2024End of Life Care in EDHeufel, Mel; Curtis, Prof KateCritical Care; Emergency
11-Mar-2024ES Short stay evaluationBrouillard, Dr DanielCritical Care; Emergency
8-Mar-2024Multiple available- come have a yarn.Dashwood, Dr RyanCritical Care; Emergency; POCUS; Indigenous Health
12-Sep-2023Management of oral contraception in surgical in-patientsSmith, Natalie ASurgery; Anaesthesia
27-Sep-2022Quality Improvement in diagnosis of children and adults with community-acquired meningitis / encephalitis at TWHJones, SandraQuality Improvement; Neurology; Paediatrics; Emergency Medicine
17-Sep-2021American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (ACS-NSQIP) ACS-NSQIP is an internationally validated, outcomes based approach to measuring and improving the quality of surgical care. The program utilises a prospective, peer-controlled, validated database to record and quantify 30-day risk adjusted surgical outcomes. NOTE: data collection is complete. Data is available for someone to publish if they wish.Ellie WatsonSurgery
29-Aug-2021A series of local audits of subsets of patients treated at SDMH ICU. Open ended opportunity to review particular groups [e.g. elderly, overdoses, postoperative...] using over 2,000 records in dataset supplementing with information looked up in eMR. Goal to present as poster at conference and at QA meetings.Dr Richard MorrisCritical Care; Intensive Care
19-Jul-2021Projects in Emergency Medicine, Indigenous Health, Medical Education, Diversity & Wellbeing are all areas I can help tailor an individualised research project for you to meet your goals and interestsRyan DashwoodCritical Care; Emergency; Indigenous Health and Education
24-Jun-2021Targeted therapeutic mild hypercapnia after resuscitated cardiac arrest: A phase III multi-centre randomised controlled trialDr Martin SterbaCritical Care
7-May-2021Oncology Data Cancer Care CentresProf Andrew MillerRadiation Oncology
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 17 of 17