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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 1669
PreviewDate PublishedTitleAuthorsSpeciality/Subject
14-Sep-2024Supporting recovery, healing and wellbeing with Aboriginal communities of the southeast coast of Australia: a practice-based study of an Aboriginal community-controlled health organisation's response to cumulative disastersEveringham, Ruth; Pai, PadminiAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander; Wellbeing
10-Sep-2024Assessing the effect of anthocyanins through diet and supplementation on cognitive function in older adults at risk for dementia: protocol for a randomised controlled trialPotter, JanCognition; Older Adults
4-Sep-2024Dexmedetomidine Versus Midazolam for End-of-Life Sedation and Agitation: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial (The DREAMS Trial)Thomas Benjamin; Barclay Greg; Lo Wing-shan, ATerminal Care; Pharmacology
3-Sep-2024Impact of Nebulized BromAc(®) on Mucus Plug Clearance in a Mechanically Ventilated Ex Vivo Ovine Lung Model of Obstructive Respiratory ConditionsMorris, RichardRespiratory Diseases
1-Sep-2024Protocol Variation in Functional Coronary Angiography Among Patients With Suspected Angina With Non-Obstructive Coronary Arteries: A Nationwide Snapshot of Current Practice Within Australia and New ZealandShetty, PCoronary Disease; Radiology
1-Sep-2024Clinical Practice Patterns for Transradial Coronary Artery Catheterisation in Australian and New Zealand: Mixed-Methods Survey and Interview StudyLee, AstinCoronary Disease
1-Sep-2024A randomised controlled trial of Standard Of Care versus RadioAblaTion in Early Stage HepatoCellular Carcinoma (SOCRATES HCC)Collier, NatalieRadiotherapy; Carcinoma
1-Sep-2024Factors associated with experiencing stigma, discrimination, and negative health care treatment among people who inject drugsReid, DavidDrug Use
1-Sep-2024Applying a Participatory Action Research Approach to Engage an Australian Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Community around Human Papillomavirus Vaccination: Lessons LearnedStanoevska, Biljana; Pitts, LeissaCulturally and Linguistically Diverse; Australia
29-Aug-2024Identification of variables and development of a prediction model for DIBH eligibility in left-sided breast cancer radiotherapy: a prospective cohort study with temporal validationMiller, Alexis ABreast Cancer; Radiotherapy
28-Aug-2024Hypoxia-Inducible Factor Prolyl Hydroxylase Inhibitors in Kidney DiseaseHa, Jeffrey TKidney Disease
28-Aug-2024Management of loperamide-related opioid use disorder with buprenorphine within an Australian context: A case reportDunn, Andrew; Wu, Nicolas; Cordaro, FrankDrug Use; Pharmacology
19-Aug-2024The development of a new oral health patient reported outcome measure: the New South Wales public dental services approachO'Connor, MarkOral Health; Patient Reported Outcomes
9-Aug-2024Adenomas from individuals with pathogenic biallelic variants in the MUTYH and NTHL1 genes demonstrate base excision repair tumour mutational signature profiles similar to colorectal cancers, expanding potential diagnostic and variant classification applicationsHealey, EmmaAdemoma
3-Aug-2024Micro RNA Dysregulation in Keratinocyte Carcinomas: Clinical Evidence, Functional Impact, and Future DirectionsAshford, BruceSquamous Cell Carcinoma; Basal Cell Carcinoma
1-Aug-2024The impact of whole of patient nursing assessment frameworks on hospital inpatients: A scoping literature reviewCurtis, KateNuring Assessment; Inpatients
1-Aug-2024Multiparametric-magnetic resonance imaging (mp-MRI) of the prostate and Urolift: Identifying artefact size, location and clinical implicationsParkin, Cameron J; Chin, PeterMagnetic Resonance Imaging; Prostate
1-Aug-2024Self-harm and suicidal behaviors in children: perspectives of mental health cliniciansMiller, Caitlin E; Sanzone, GillianSelf Harm; Children; Suicide; Mental Health
1-Aug-2024Designing a standardised emergency nurse career pathway for use across rural, regional and metropolitan New South Wales, Australia: A consensus processCurtis, Kate; Couttie,Tracey; Kloger, Ryan; Rheinberger, JosephineEmergency Nursing; Careers
1-Aug-2024Review of the literature supporting international clinical practice guidelines on iliac venous stenting and their applicability to Australia and New Zealand practiceVillalba, Laurencia MStenting; Clinical Practice Gudielines
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 1669