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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 1693
PreviewDate PublishedTitleAuthorsSpeciality/Subject
24-Jan-2025Use of the structured emergency nursing framework HIRAID® improves patient experience: A stepped-wedge cluster randomised control trial in rural, regional and metropolitan AustraliaCurtis, KateEmergency Nursing; Patient Care
1-Jan-2025On being on the same page: Predictors of gastroenterologist-patient misalignment in inflammatory bowel diseaseMitrev, NikolaBowel Disease; Gastroenterologist
1-Jan-2025Supporting equitable cervical cancer elimination for Australia's culturally and linguistically diverse communities: A call for intersectoral actionStanoevska, BiljanaCulturally and Linguistically Diverse; Cervical Neoplasm
1-Jan-2025Nutcracker syndrome (a Delphi consensus)Villalba, LaurenciaRenal; Venous
1-Jan-2025Iliac venous stenting provides long-term relief from chronic pelvic painVillalba, LaurenciaPelvic Pain; Venous
1-Jan-2025Anatomical Location of Rib Fractures and Associated Analgesic Benefits Achieved From Serratus Anterior Plane Blocks: A Spatial Point Pattern AnalysisCurtis, KateAnesthesia; Fractures
1-Jan-2025Therapeutic Applications for Homeopathy in Clinical PracticeTan, BrandonHomeopathy
1-Jan-2025Prognostication with Thyroid GuidePx in the context of tall cell variantsCraig, StevenThyroid
1-Jan-2025A Rare Case of Phrenic Nerve Palsy Secondary to Radiation Therapy, Identified During Pulmonary Vein IsolationTierney, Michael; Gohil, JayeshRadiation Therapy
1-Jan-2025Health Care Utilisation and Unmet Needs in Survivors of Head and Neck Cancer in Regional Australia: A Cross-Sectional SurveyDavis, Kimberly J; Craig, Steven; Ashford, BruceHead and Neck Neoplasm; Survivorship
1-Jan-2025An investigation of allied health and medical clinicians' viewpoint on prosthetic rehabilitation and cognitionDawes, ErinAllied Health; Rehabilitation; Prosthetics; Clinicians
1-Jan-2025Reverse takotsubo induced cardiogenic shock in the peripartum period: A case report and literature reviewGregory, JamesObstetrics; Labour
1-Jan-2025Development and formative evaluation of website-based tool to support healthy lifestyles in family day careKerr, Erin; Norman, Jennifer; Leedham, MelFamily Health; EHealth
1-Jan-2025Nutrition and physical activity practices in family day care: A cross-sectional survey of Australian family day care educatorsNorman, JenniferNutrition; physical Activity; Family Health
1-Jan-2025Adverse events in the placebo arm of SOLO2/ENGOT-Ov21 maintenance trial of olaparib in recurrent ovarian cancerFrancis, Katherine EOvarian Neoplasm
24-Dec-2024Differences in survival of patients with multiple myeloma in rural versus metropolitan regions: Analysis of population data of an Australian local health districtAi, Sylvia; Thind, Amarinde; Parmar, GurdeepMyeloma
24-Dec-2024An Ontology-Based Approach for Understanding Appendicectomy Processes and Associated ResourcesCraig, Steven J; Davis, Kimberley JAppendicectomy
13-Dec-2024Investigation of the quality and health literacy demand of online information on pelvic floor exercises to reduce stress urinary incontinenceChen, ZhuoranHealth Literacy; Incontinence
12-Dec-2024Genome dynamics across the evolutionary transition to endosymbiosisLiew, Kwee CGenetics
5-Dec-2024Chemotherapy and radiotherapy for advanced pancreatic cancerHaggstrom, Lucy; Chantrill, Lorraine ACancer; Radiotherapy
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 1693